DAMPAA and Cancer Awareness information Day

Published on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 11:12:55 AM

On Wednesday 8th May Moorditj Koort held community info day for our elders who participated in the DAMPAA Program run by the team from UWA's Dementia prevention and risk Management Program for Aboriginal Australians we also some great stalls for Cancer Awareness and services for our community.

Moorditj Koort would like to thank the team from UWA, Anglicare WA, Asthma WA, Diabetes WA, Breast Screen WA, Epilepsy Australia, Falls Prevention and Yarn it Up for their partnership and support for our event.

The day included yarning sessions for both men and women to get together and discuss more about the services support.

For more images from the day CLICK HERE

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